04 February 2011

The Courtship Rituals of Butterflies

Brielle wears dress by Zimmerman, harness by Sass & Bide, jewellery model's own. 

Photography & Styling: Cama
Model: Brielle Kelly
Exotic Dancer: Janine Long

1 comment:

  1. wow, I really love all of these photos! And I completely adore everything you've done on this here blog- I especially LOVE the second photo up from the bottom on the 'In the beginning' post. LOVELOVELOVE!!! & you're Australian, which just makes everything better.. haha.

    My blogspot is basically dead now, but here's my tumblr: whimsicalwhip.tumblr.com

    Keep posting!!!!!! I love all this!!!

    Emilie xox
